Navigator Pro

Get more from your Overland Navigator experience

  • No ads
  • Complete track and campsite list
  • Full offline support
  • High resolution topo maps
  • Toggle data layers
  • Extra information to help you explore
  • Drive mode
  • And more

7 day free trial - cancel anytime.

5,353 kilometres
of routes all over New Zealand

100s of campsites
across both islands

The latest info from people
driving the routes

Awesome sights and other
interest points to visit

Offline support

The best spots and cellphone reception often don't go hand in hand - with Navigator Pro you get full offline support, view all the track details, comments and route data anywhere, any time.

Even more details

What tyre pressures should you run? Is there cellphone reception on this track? What should I keep an eye out for? Get every detail we know about each track in one place. Use Drive Mode to navigate along the track and see the obstacles and cool spots as you get to them.

High resolution topographic maps

Sometimes you just need more detail about where you are - maybe you've spotted a side track? Topographic maps can help! We're pulled in the latest map data and laid our routes over top - perfect combo!

Different maps, more layers - it's your choice

Toggle between different map views and data views, see exactly what you want to see.

Navigator Free vs Navigator Pro

Overland Navigator Pro is your ultimate tool for exploring New Zealand - see what Navigator Pro offers over the free version.

Free Pro
Awesome app for your phone
Basic track list
Complete track list
Simple track info
Detailed track info
Route lines at all times
DOC land layer
Public access layers
Community activity stream
Offline support
Topographic map layer
No ads
Tides for beach routes
River flows
Current only

Current and historical
Drive Mode
Weather forecast

Get in touch

Having issues? Feel free to get in touch and we'll help you out.

Contact us